Ability Realty
Barry Fotheringham, Broker
7360 E. 22nd Street,
Tucson, AZ 85710

Well here we are in the Month of December and almost Christmas. November was a good month and continued what I felt would happen in the last quarter of the year. I feel we have reached the bottom of the market in Tucson. October and November are showing improvement and December should be about the same as November which should finish out the year on a positive note.
Jun. 2011 |
Jul. 2011 |
Aug. 2011 |
Sep. 2011 |
Oct. 2011 |
Nov. 2011 |
Average Sales Price
$167,172 | $173,141 | $154,944 | $150,699 | $151,812 | $158,434 |
Median Sales Price
$126,000 | $125,000 | $122,200 | $117,500 | $120,000 | $122,000 |
Total Units Sold*
1312 | 1124 | 1106 | 1064 | 982 | 1015 |
Active Listings
5566 | 5412 | 5167 | 5155 | 5290 | 5191 |
Days On Market
79 | 76 | 73 | 80 | 74 | 78 |
Listings Under Contract**
2163 | 2009 | 2121 | 2059 | 2070 | 1996 |
Sales Over $500,000
51 | 52 | 24 | 19 | 21 | 33 |
The figures on this table are subject to change due to late reportings and corrections. These changes are reflected in the next months statisical blog post after we receive the updated information. For this reason you will find inconsistencies if you compare the data on multiple tables.
* Closed during the month.
** For the current month (not the total listing under contract)
Everything shows improvement except the listings under contract went below 2000 units which gives me some concern. A large percentage of this number is Short Sale and REO homes which may be due to the Holidays coming up and people want to wait until January. I know I have a buyer that is thinking that way. I really think we are in a break out position as far as Tucson is concerned. Our Inventory has been very steady and we are not getting a large number of homes for sale. If you stop to think about that, you will see that not many homes will go on the market because most of the Sellers will owe more than what the home is worth today, so we do not see that upward or downward movement of Sellers to Buyers as in years past.
Now here is another thought. The people that lost their homes two years or more ago, and who have cleaned up their credit except for the Short Sale of their home, are entering the time frame where they may qualify for a FHA Loan. It will be available for those who can qualify. If you are in this part of your life and still want to purchase, start checking with a good Lender. As time goes by the numbers will increase and the inventory will go down as prices start back up, I hope at a modest increase. We do not need another 2005.
If our wonderful Government would only get their act together we might see National Improvement, which would bring people back to Arizona again, because we have a great place to live. All we need is a great place to work and Great Schools and we would all be better off. I know we all have our different opinions, but I ask you how good has this Administration been for you? They had it all for two years and squandered it all, for most of us. You do not create jobs by taxing and spending. You create jobs by helping businesses grow and hire which is not where we are today. Tax, tax and spend, spend(with money we do not have) on things that should not have the priority that was done.
Our freedoms are being taken and we just sit and argue about who is right. We must start reducing our countries expenditures to get back to a balanced budget. We now are a society of what I want, I want it today, even if I have to pay for many years. What happened to just plain CASH. No cash, no buy. I know credit is great, but manage it well within your means. You do need some credit to buy a home. No Credit, you may not be able to buy, but manage that credit well.
I guess one of these days I need to write a Blog about what I feel. I know it will cause some to not like me, but that is OK, as we should all be able to express our opinions. I spent 21 years in the Air Force and never worried about, was I liked. My job needed to be done and all I expected was RESPECT. Follow the Rules and we all get along. If you are paid for eight hours of work, give eight hours of work. Be on time, and by all means do your job right, so someone does not have to fix your mess. Your mess costs your employer and I question why you are still there!
I want to wish all my readers a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a Happy New Year. Make 2012 the best year of your life, and help anyone that you can, as so many are hurting. My small church in Vail, Grace Fellowship, takes this as their, shall we say Mission. They have partnered with many, to help others. They want to help the Vail Community and schools, so others may be able to get back on their feet.
I hope you noticed that I was not politically correct and wishing you Happy Holidays as I believe in the greatest history book out there which is the Holy Bible. What was good for our forefathers should still be good for us. Why are the few allowed to dictate to the many. There is space for each of our beliefs, so don’t try to shut down the other person.
Again Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night
Dec 20, 2011 No comments yet Share