Ability Realty
Barry Fotheringham, Broker
7360 E. 22nd Street,
Tucson, AZ 85710

How fast the time has been flying by for me, but yet still dragging for all of us in our Economy. This latest hurt to all of us is Gas!! OPEC seems to get enjoyment in keeping the Global Economy in turmoil as shown by their recent decision yesterday to keep the same production, as it will keep prices up. Many wanted to reduce production so it would push prices up even more. Up for me, is more money spent on Gas and of course the extra costs we see in food, clothing and things associated with higher gas such as Airline fares.
We are sitting on vast resources of Oil but our current Administration has no desire to allow more permits or speed up the process in obtaining the permits to Drill for Oil. Alaska sits on a huge deposit in just a small area but all I hear is we will not allow it because of what it might do to the natural environment of the whole area. They do not want to drill in the whole area, just a very small part which is less than 100 miles from an existing pipeline (I think the number is around 75 miles). Why do we have to put up with these lame excuses because of this current Administration?
The permits could be granted with much oversight which I really do not think the Oil Companies will have trouble complying with, as long as it makes sense. And that is one of the problems as to what makes sense. In my Air Force career I found a lot of people who had common sense and were not highly educated, and then I found many educated people who had no common sense. Lots of book learning, but just did not know how to apply what they knew. ACCIDENTS do happen, and they are accidents and not the norm.
I have seen more highly educated people who do not know how to run a company trying to tell us how to run our Economy, but look where we are right now. Just get out of the way and stop spending money that we do not have and let the small businesses pave the way. Make it easy at all levels to get a business going and stop putting roadblocks in front of them. Let them earn a real profit that is not taxed to the limits. These roadblocks exist from the Federal Government, State Government all the way down to the City level. Lets get smarter and stop sending jobs overseas and put more Americans back to work.
There is much more I would like to say but I won’t for now. Our Real Estate Economy depends on many things and I hate to see the problems we are all experiencing at this time. Take money away, and we stop buying many things and Housing is really one of the major contributors to our Economy. Look at all the tradespeople involved in building a home. What about all the things that go into the home after it has been finished. Appliances, furniture and landscaping and much more. Where does that come from? People who have jobs making those products or services.
We have seen some more drop in the Average and Median Sales Prices but all it takes is more lower priced homes selling and it will push these numbers down. The Active listing Inventory has come down and Units Sold had a good positive number. I am still optimistic that we will see our Housing Market leveling out around the 1st of October .
Dec. 2010 |
Jan. 2011 |
Feb. 2011 |
Mar. 2011 |
Apr. 2011 |
May 2011 |
Average Sales Price
$186,399 | $166,998 | $182,388 | $163,590 | $173,981 | $168,453 |
Median Sales Price
$139,500 | $134,250 | $137,000 | $125,000 | $132,000 | $127,000 |
Total Units Sold*
907 | 780 | 879 | 1169 | 1152 | 1247 |
Active Listings
6859 | 7147 | 6947 | 6703 | 6269 | 5795 |
Days On Market
106 | 108 | 107 | 84 | 83 | 80 |
Listings Under Contract**
1760 | 2013 | 2272 | 2152 | 2610 | 2239 |
The figures on this table are subject to change due to late reportings and corrections. These changes are reflected in the next months statisical blog post after we receive the updated information. For this reason you will find inconsistencies if you compare the data on multiple tables.
* Closed during the month.
** For the current month (not the total listing under contract)
I just read an article today that said foreclosure filings notices for Pima County were down but actual foreclosures were up some. The number did not really surprise me and I do see some good coming soon. My only fear is the Lenders holding back on the actual Foreclosure, which will lengthens the time to get out of the large numbers we have seen. I am still sitting on a listing I have had for 18 months and they just keep postponing the actual Foreclosure. WHY? It has been Vacant all that time.
RIGHT NOW prices are very low and interest rates are still under 5%. The more you wait, the bigger chance both will go up. I can not believe the monthly payment and home you can get today. Why not call me and discuss what you might be able to do. Call me at (520) 240-7130.
Jun 9, 2011 No comments yet Share