Ability Realty
Barry Fotheringham, Broker
7360 E. 22nd Street,
Tucson, AZ 85710

The numbers for June did some minor adjustments that seem good to me. I am getting concerned about our Economy cooling. We are not generating enough jobs to get the economy moving and I really do not see it happening soon. Our Government seems to be stuck on political sides. The Government needs to stop spending on really stupid projects. The current Administration said they would keep unemployment below 7%. How is that working out for everyone. They pushed Healthcare through and now premiums are going up and I know this is going to really hurt better than 50% of our population. The Healthcare Bill cost time to get people back to work as Congress did nothing to really help get people back to work. The Democrats controlled both the Senate and the House and they could not take time to do the mandatory budget and now we are fighting over our debt limit because of all the spending. We need to bite the bullet and get this done.
We need a complete rewrite of the Tax Code and get rid of the special tax breaks, such as Ethanol. We need to start producing oil from the fields that are ready to go. Our President has caused all of us to pay more for gas and food because HE STOPPED the permitting and production in the Gulf after the BP disaster. By the way an accident is not reason to stop all production. We should be putting people to work generating oil so our prices could go down.
I am so disenchanted by the current administrations claims that they are doing things that will help, but it is just small things that are not generating many jobs. He speaks one thing, but does something else.
My wife and I are reading “The Obama Nation” which was written before he was elected. I feel the author has done a lot of research and the book scares me. I believe Obama has lied or deflected his answers so he would not have to disclose his associations with many unsavory people. He really is a Chicago Politician. He pulled the wool over a lot of people’s eyes. I just hope the voting public listens to what he says and then what he does.
I still think that Tucson will see prices stabilizing the last quarter of this year. Our Inventory is still going down each month since January. I still have some fear the Banks will start foreclosing on more of the properties that they have delayed the process on. I know they are doing it as I have one they have delayed each month for over six months.
Jan.2011 | Feb.2011 | Mar.2011 | Apr.2011 | May2011 | Jun.2011 | |
Average Sales Price
$166,998 | $182,388 | $163,590 | $173,981 | $168,453 | $167,172 |
Median Sales Price
$134,250 | $137,000 | $125,000 | $132,000 | $127,000 | $126,000 |
Total Units Sold*
780 | 879 | 1169 | 1152 | 1247 | 1312 |
Active Listings
7147 | 6947 | 6703 | 6269 | 5795 | 5566 |
Days On Market
108 | 107 | 84 | 83 | 80 | 79 |
Listings Under Contract**
2013 | 2272 | 2152 | 2610 | 2239 | 2163 |
The figures on this table are subject to change due to late reportings and corrections. These changes are reflected in the next months statisical blog post after we receive the updated information. For this reason you will find inconsistencies if you compare the data on multiple tables.
* Closed during the month.
** For the current month (not the total listing under contract)
Total Units Sold has also increased each month since January. We did have a drop of 76 units for June in Listings under Contract but this number has been going up and down since January also.
If our Economy could get a boost from our Government finally getting something done we could see a marked improvement. I believe OIL could be a game changer but with our current President it will not happen soon. He has us by the throat and most do not see it. How is he working out for you and your family and friends?
Call me if You need help buying as now is the time if you can do it. Call me on my cell at 520-240-7130.
Jul 12, 2011 No comments yet Share