Ability Realty
Barry Fotheringham, Broker
7360 E. 22nd Street,
Tucson, AZ 85710

If you are interested in investing in real estate, Tucson is the perfect place to start your search! Ability Realty makes it easy to find available houses throughout Tucson, letting you get right into your new investment plan. Find the right investments by looking for these qualities:
Great Condition
Some real estate investments are real fixer-uppers. Others are already in great condition and require few if any repairs or changes. Unless you are interested in purchasing properties and putting a lot of work into them, you will want to find houses that are already in great condition and will require very little work. Investing in a quality home allows you to start benefiting from your investment right away!
Desirable Location
You always hear about the importance of location when dealing with real estate properties. That is because the wrong location can make a great house seem unappealing and unworthy. Choose a great real estate investment by looking for homes in good neighborhoods. An appealing neighborhood will bring in more potential renters and give you more opportunities to make money on your investment.
Homeowner Association
Many investors prefer properties in communities with homeowner associations, also known as HOAs. These associations set rules to help residents keep their homes clean, safe, and attractive to ensure the best neighborhood possible. If you do not care about owning property in an HOA, you still want to find investments in good communities that encourage proper home maintenance.
Plenty of Neighbors
A neighborhood filled with residents is much more appealing than one filled with empty homes. When looking for investments, check the surrounding properties and do some research to learn about the vacancy rate of the neighborhood. Look for homes in low-vacancy areas that are likely to attract renters.
Ability Realty can help you start your search for the right real estate investment in Tucson. Contact us at (520) 296-7143 to learn about our property management team and discover real estate opportunities in the city.
Jul 6, 2014 No comments yet Share